"Unleash. Master. Connect. Ignite. Translate. Pursue. Launch. Confront. Overcome. Ignore!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Every year, I put together a list of '10 great words' that I use to try to define a way of approaching. the year to come. They involve the overarching themes of future-oriented thinking, innovation, action, and personal growth while excluding the words I have already used, and focusing on action. These words are intended to serve as powerful motivational guidance.

This tradition goes back to 2006 when I released my first list of '10 great words.' That took off as a stage story - I closed many an event with them as a powerful closing storyline - such as this closing from a 2009 event in Las Vegas. (I'm on the bridge of the Enterprise; the client had Leonard Nimoy - Spock himself! - in to speak before me.)

The words also worked their way into a PDF that I put together and which is still widely shared to this day.

In that vein, here are the 10 Great Words for 2025.

  1. Unleash potential with the mindset that despite volatility in 2025, there will be opportunity. To do that, you should continue to...
  2. Master new skills that are critical for applying this knowledge effectively. To make the most of this, you plan to...
  3. Connect more dots by using these skills and knowledge to see bigger patterns and opportunities. Once you see them, you need to make sure to .....
  4. Ignite every idea that emerges from these connections, sparking innovation and creativity. That will involve your ability to...
  5. Translate those ideas into actions to make tangible progress and bring concepts to life. Once that happens, you will be able to...
  6. Pursue the right opportunities that emerge from your actions, selecting those that promise the greatest impact. You'll need to make sure to...
  7. Launch those actions into full-scale initiatives, executing your plans with precision. Be ready though, to ....
  8. Confront the barriers that inevitably arise, addressing challenges head-on. And not only that but you will need to ...
  9. Overcome the obstacles by adapting and refining your strategies as necessary. And above you, given the volatility that is to come, you will need to ...
  10. Ignore the noise that distracts from your goals, focusing solely on what truly matters.

How can you do all these things? Small steps!

1. Break down your biggest skill gap into 'micro-learning chunks' - for instance, if you need to learn data analysis, start by mastering one Excel function each day rather than scheduling formal training. Don't let your idea of being overwhelmed become the biggest barrier you face!

2. Study successful behavior patterns in unexpected places - if you notice how kindergarten teachers skillfully redirect disruptive energy into creative activities, adapt that technique for managing challenging workplace dynamics. (That doesn't mean treating your team as toddlers!)

3. Take an idea you've been sitting on and build a quick prototype in whatever form makes sense - if it's a service, role-play it; if it's a product, sketch it; if it's a process, map it on a single page. Whatever it is, as that Nike saying goes - 'just do it.'

4. Pick your most promising abstract concept and turn it into something tangible right now - for example, convert "improve team communication" into "create a 5-minute daily sharing ritual." Don't get lost in theoretical steps.

5. Instead of waiting for perfect opportunities, test small versions of your ideas in real situations - try your new sales approach with one client, not your whole portfolio. Remember - think BIG, start small!

6. Choose your smallest viable initiative and launch it immediately - if you want to start a blog, publish one paragraph today rather than planning an entire content calendar. Don't become overwhelmed by scope!

7. When you hit a barrier, immediately take one small action to push against it - if budget is the issue, find one thing you can do for free or very low cost. Don't let setbacks become setbacks!

8. For each barrier implement one tiny adjustment right away - if a process isn't working, change one step instead of overhauling everything. That will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you to keep moving.

9. Turn unnecessary inputs into productive outputs - when you catch yourself scrolling social media, immediately transform that energy into one small action on your most important project. Remember - be spectacularly misdirected!

10. Convert apparent setbacks into stepping stones - when a presentation fails to land well, extract the one question that engages people most and build your next pitch around that specific point. Experiment with the things that work instead of becoming bogged down by the things that don't.

The most important thing is to get going - and each of these actions can be taken immediately without needing to set up new systems or schedules.

Happy New Year!

 Futurist Jim Carroll finds that lists of ’10 things’ help to organize actions.

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