The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.


"Find your 11. Go further, always!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Spinal Tap knew how to do things right! They went to 11! So should you! It was one of the most interesting moments in movie history - they had an amp with volume control that went to 10,

741 posts



"Find your 11. Go further, always!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Spinal Tap knew how to do things right! They went to 11! So should you! It was one of the most interesting moments in movie history - they had an amp with volume control that went to 10,

Into 2025

Into 2025

“Pause. reflect. turn the chaos into insight" - Futurist Jim Carroll I've always liked the idea of starting to focus my mindset as a new year approaches. Given that it is only a few weeks away, I thought now might be as good a time as any!

Leadership Hubris

Leadership Hubris

"Invincibility is a myth" - Futurist Jim Carroll A belief in invincibility is often the start of defeat. And in all truth, once you start to think you are invincible - you probably aren’t! You might think that you are on top of the world; that nothing

Leadership Agility

Leadership Agility

"Shift faster!" - Futurist Jim Carroll One thing is for sure at this moment in time - the future is going to be WILD! And at this moment in time, you need to move away from asking yourself why you are so slow - to asking the hard

Policing and AI

Policing and AI

"It's the types of crime that we can't yet imagine that we should be worried about!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Later today, I'll be doing a talk for the senior leadership team of the RCMP - that's the Royal Canadian



"Opinions are like stomach gas. Sometimes you need to keep it to yourself!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Way back in January 2022, as some series of ongoing madness unfolded around the pandemic, I wrote my "Social Media Serenity Prayer" - "Grant me the maturity to

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