Futurist Jim Carroll

520 posts

Happy Birthday to my 30 Year Old Son! "It's their future. We should let them have more of a say in it."

Happy Birthday to my 30 Year Old Son! "It's their future. We should let them have more of a say in it."

My oldest son, Willie, turns 30 today. I am overjoyed in his journey; I am in shock at the milestone. How does this happen? Willie is a marvel of opportunistic thinking, a joy of the explorative mindset. Through several career transitions, all focused on the world around him, he has

Chasing Growth

Chasing Growth

"The future belongs to those who dare to go there!"

Dismissive Arrogance

Dismissive Arrogance

"Is your competition busy playing 3-dimensional chess, while you are playing checkers on a blank board?"



"If you finally do succeed, try not to look too astonished!"

Think BIG.

Think BIG.

"If you are surrounded by transformative trends that are so big, why do you continue to think so small?"



"If you keep waiting around for bad things to happen you'll never be ready when good things happen!"

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