Futurist Jim Carroll

520 posts

The New Senior VP of Innovation Inhibition

The New Senior VP of Innovation Inhibition

"When everyone is working together to stay the course, you've got a bigger problem than you think!"

From Failure to Success

From Failure to Success

"Shift from obsessing over what you've done wrong - to celebrating what you are doing right!"

10 Great Words for 2024!

10 Great Words for 2024!

Explore, Imagine, Embrace, Challenge, Strategize, Create, Defy, Avoid, Persevere, Do!

Get Stuff Done.

Get Stuff Done.

"Stop waiting. Start doing!"

Failing at Tomorrow

Failing at Tomorrow

"Cast a more skeptical eye towards many trends, forecasts and predictions”

Think BIG!

Think BIG!

“Stay focused on the ’BIG’ future”

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