Futurist Jim Carroll

520 posts

The Rot of Cynicism

The Rot of Cynicism

"Cynicism isn't wisdom. It's the key ingredient for the self-sabotage of your future!"

Wisdom in the The Graffiti Wall

Wisdom in the The Graffiti Wall

"Criticism is just wisdom contained in a bitter pill. Swallow it and grow stronger"

Job Description: Senior Vice-President of Artificial Intelligence Risk Management

Job Description: Senior Vice-President of Artificial Intelligence Risk Management

"Try as you might, you can't ignore the risk in your next reality!"

The Destructive Impact of Positive Feedback

The Destructive Impact of Positive Feedback

"If everyone is telling you what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear, you're probably doing a lot worse than you think!"

Future Fit

Future Fit

"At the bottom of the pit of hopelessness, there is a mountain of opportunity!"

Avoid Bandwagons

Avoid Bandwagons

"When everyone else is doing the same thing, do your own thing!"

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