Futurist Jim Carroll

520 posts

101 Ideas You Need Now!

101 Ideas You Need Now!

"Chase good failure!"

AI Megatrends - Beyond ChatGPT!

AI Megatrends - Beyond ChatGPT!

"The thing about a big future is that it often turns out to be even bigger than you think!"

Leadership Lessons from a 14-Year Old CEO

Leadership Lessons from a 14-Year Old CEO

"Leadership lessons are all around you. You just need to know where to look!"

The Power of Momentum

The Power of Momentum

"Inaction is a choice. Action is a verb!"

Denial to Acceptance to Action

Denial to Acceptance to Action

"The first step is to accept your future. The second is to do what's necessary to get there!"

The Idea Bakery

The Idea Bakery

"Trends are like bread. They go stale, fast. The fact is, you need deeper trends insight. Freshly baked."

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