Futurist Jim Carroll

520 posts

Ignoring The Naysayers

Ignoring The Naysayers

"At any given moment, you are a bundle of unknown and as of yet, unrealized potential!"

Strategic AI

Strategic AI

"Maybe it's a good time to put some intelligence around your artificial intelligence strategy!"



"It's when you start to think to yourself that it couldn't get any worse that you need to remind yourself that actually, right now, it couldn't be any better!"

Mistakes and Failure

Mistakes and Failure

"Don't be discouraged by your mistakes. Be inspired by your willingness to admit to them!"

Trusting the Algorithm

Trusting the Algorithm

"To survive the future you have to trust the algorithm but so far, the algorithm hasn't done a lot to earn our trust!" -



"It's better to face what you fear rather than focusing on the fear of what you might face!"

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