Futurist Jim Carroll

520 posts

Managing Regret

Managing Regret

“At some moment in time, you will transition from the shame of your mistakes into pride for the lessons you’ve learned from them!”

Being Decisive

Being Decisive

"When you say you've decided to go in a different direction, it usually means that you don't really know the direction you are going!"

Gloom vs. Optimism

Gloom vs. Optimism

"An optimist never lets a short season of gloom interfere with a longer scason of opportunity!"

A.I. and Strategy

A.I. and Strategy

"Chase the strategy. Not the technology!"



"The future is a funny thing. Those who don't like it will end up there anyways!"

Knowing What's Next

Knowing What's Next

"If you can't predict what your business is going to look like in ten years, you might not have much of a business to look at!"

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