Futurist Jim Carroll

520 posts

Rethinking Globalization

Rethinking Globalization

"Your next success will come when you are ready to challenge your most successful assumptions!"

10 Great Words for 2023!

10 Great Words for 2023!

Reinforce, Believe, Persist, Defy, Create, Immerse, Focus, Challenge, Act, Inspire!

My Wonderful Obsession!

My Wonderful Obsession!

"A little bit of inspiration never hurt anyone!"



"Embrace the chaos!"

Data Carving

Data Carving

"It's not always the skill that matters. It's the enthusiasm!"

Hopeful Resilience

Hopeful Resilience

"It's our outer shell of determined defiance against any challenges we might face, reinforced by a relentless focus on optimism!"

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