Futurist Jim Carroll

520 posts

Lifting People Up

Lifting People Up

"The best way to cope in a world seemingly gone mad is to double down on dignity!"

Promise and Peril

Promise and Peril

"The future can be, in but an instant, wonderfully magical and yet. terrifyingly real, at the exact same time!"

Being Agile

Being Agile

"Have you realized that in a world of big fast change your small slow plans are already out of date?"

"Return-to-work" (No Thanks!)

"Return-to-work" (No Thanks!)

"It's probably a good time to accept the fact they aren't coming back!"

Knowledge Velocity

Knowledge Velocity

"It used to be about what you know. Now it's not only about what you know, but how fast you need to know it!"

Crazy Ideas

Crazy Ideas

"You shouldn't wait until tomorrow to discover that today is already yesterday's day after tomorrow!"

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