Jim Carroll

268 posts

Tragically Unhip

Tragically Unhip

“Sometimes, satire can become all too real” – Futurist Jim Carroll There’s no doubt that there might not be a lot of logical, rational stuff going on in the next few years. That’s why I keep stressing that volatility is the new normal. With that in mind, I can’

The Expectation Gap

The Expectation Gap

"It's easy to overpromise, but even easier to underdeliver" - Futurist Jim Carroll Nothing great is ever achieved when the gap between expectations and reality is never closed! Leaders can become trapped by their rhetoric - the more ambitious their promises, the more pressure they face

Productive Wasted Time

Productive Wasted Time

"On some days, focused distraction is the best action!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Sometimes, you just don't need to pay attention. You can choose not to tune in but you can drop out. Timothy Leary said that. This can be particularly important when you don'

An Innovation Framework!

An Innovation Framework!

"Maybe you should do more than have a plan to create a plan!" - Futurist Jim Carroll My news clipping service recently picked up this gem of insight from a Conference Board leadership survey: "Outside of Japan, few CEOs are looking to raise prices in 2025. Instead,

The Power of Strategic Idiocy!

The Power of Strategic Idiocy!

“Admitting stupidity is a sign of strength – because it shows that you are brave enough to learn!” – Futurist Jim Carroll So  I came across this scientific paper which suggested that there is power to be found in stupidity. This article seemed to fit within the vibe of what someone suggested

The Innovation Mindset

The Innovation Mindset

"The difference between good & great companies isn't when they innovate, but that they never stop!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Over the years, I've had several companies come to me, seeking a speaker for a leadership or annual conference, stating that their 'theme

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