Jim Carroll

181 posts

I Talk. They Draw. It’s Awesome!

I Talk. They Draw. It’s Awesome!

"Excitement should be your destination, and innovation your mode of transport!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Some of the events at which I speak feature a 'graphic recorder' - an individual who creates a digital image-based overview of the key points in my keynote, doing this in

Being There.

Being There.

"Don’t just show up. Show up with ideas!" - Futurist Jim Carroll There are a lot of people who go through the motions. Put in the minimums. Barely get involved. Never contribute. The fact is, it never ends up working well for them. Are you one of



"Retirement? It's no longer a number, it's a phase!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Years ago - many years ago, it seems - I wrote this into an article: "Are you ready for a world in which the concept of "retirement' has

Volatility as the New Normal

Volatility as the New Normal

"Today? It's business as unusual!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Today's photo is from an event I did a few years ago for a group called Havi International - which represents a massive number of companies that are suppliers of products to McDonald's.

AI and Jobs

AI and Jobs

"Your ability to spot the opportunity will define your ability to counter the threat!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Of all the dumb things said about AI in the last few years, this has perhaps ranked as the dumbest: International Business Machines Corp. Chief Executive Officer Arvind Krishna said

AI and Strategy

AI and Strategy

"It's the reality that matters (not the hype!)" - Futurist Jim Carroll I have a good friend from my ski club who has been reading my Daily Inspiration post (what you are reading right now) for many, many years. He told me a few months back

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