Jim Carroll

182 posts



"It's time to fire up your strategic thinking about the era of intelligent machines!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Machines that see. Machines that walk. Machines that talk. Machines that sense. Machines that hear. Machines that think. We're on the edge of a remarkable new

Capital Thinking.

Capital Thinking.

"Creativity capital, experiential capital, collaborative capital, generational capital - these are now the new requirements necessary for innovation success!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Enhance your balance sheet! You need to understand what's necessary with 21st-century capital: and why it's not just financial capital anymore!



"At what moment will you finally realize that your future will be unpredictably unpredictable?" - Futurist Jim Carroll You never really know what might come next - volatility, surprise, and unforeseen events are your new normal. That's why your success tomorrow will come from your adaptability,

The Little Drone That Could.

The Little Drone That Could.

"A little bit of ingenuity will go a long way to achieving a big bit of innovation success!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Any innovation story would not be complete without a little bit of Ingenuity. The NASA Mars drone, Ingenuity, that is. It's the little spacecraft

The Bounce Back

The Bounce Back

"Resilience: It's the thing you develop by turning bad moments into better ones." - Futurist Jim Carroll Here's a thought for your Monday. We define our strength in the moments we are weakest; we must learn how to fortify our defenses in the most

Recognizing Success

Recognizing Success

"A simple act of recognition can often transcend a moment into a moment that matters!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Sometimes, a simple momentary act of recognition will go a long way toward building a longer period of success!  Yesterday, in my keynote for a few thousand cattle ranchers

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