"Imagine a crazy idea. Now imagine it's real. That's your future!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
In a few hours, I'll be speaking at the annual event for Texas Farm Credit Bank. In the room? A few hundred folks are on the various local Boards of the organization, most of whom are farmers themselves. In that capacity, they are often involved in decisions involving the financing of fellow farmers throughout the state. It;'s kind of a unique setup.
I'll be covering, of course, a variety of key themes for them, all of which involve the future of agriculture.

Of course, my talk takes a look at a lot of unique trends, some of which are very short-term and very real, and others which are longer-term and as of this moment in time, not yet so real.
And in fact, some of those trends might seem to be somewhat crazy.
I'm putting the question to them - would they be prepared to fund these 'crazy' ideas?
Such as tricorders for cows?

How about a laser-based weed-whacking robot?

Or a series of cotton-picking robots?

Or even a virtual 24-hour farm that is operated pretty much like today's Farmville video game?

The thing is - while all these ideas might seem crazy to them, many of them are rapidly reaching reality.
Tricorders for cows? We've got clips that monitor for bovine respiratory disease, and ingestible bolus devices that monitor for temperature acidosis in cows' stomachs, with wireless reporting within 20 feet. We're also seeing the early arrival of robotic picking devices and other technologies on the farm.

Weed-whacking robots? Yup. Got that covered too.

That's the thing about the future - your crazy is someone else's reality.
Here's my take on this wild and wonderful journey from "crazy" to "of course!" - and trust me, after 30 years of studying innovation, I've seen this movie play out again and again! Every time someone says "That's impossible!" or "That's crazy!" I get this huge grin on my face. Why? Because I've learned that today's "impossible" is tomorrow's "obviously!"
My message this morning? Drop those blinders! Look around! The future isn't some distant dream - it's being built right now, all around us. And it's coming at us faster than anyone expects. They might find themselves funding some pretty fascinating technologies and ideas in the not-too-distant future.
What's the lesson for you? Do you want to know the real secret to spot the next big thing? Study the pattern of crazy! That's where the future is often found!
And if you have your crazy ideas - good for you! You're on the right path - The next time someone tells you your idea is too crazy, remember this: every great innovation starts with someone willing to look foolish.
The future belongs to those who dare to dream big, think wild, and ignore the naysayers.
Because in this era of hyperacceleration, the only truly crazy idea is thinking small!
Futurist Jim Carroll often finds future clarity in the crazy.