"At this very moment, someone somewhere is busy inventing something that will be so common in but 10 short years that you simply won't know how you lived without it!" -

Need to get inspired for the future? Head on over to my post, '101 Things We Know About Our Future' - An Esoteric List of Things That Are Happening Now and Next! - it's right here. As I note in that post:
My mind all too often races with ideas; I think too much. The busy activities in my head lead me to regularly scribble down lots of thoughts about the world around me. Overall, as a futurist, it’s a remarkable time to be alive – and with that in mind, here’s a list that I’ve accumulated as to ‘101 things we know about our future.’
It's a long list of things I've jotted down over time. My thinking? Here's a grab bag of some of my thoughts, of which today's quote was one.
- Machines are starting to think on their own a bit more. We don’t yet know what this means.
- Right now, someone has the perfect idea in mind to put your business model into a death spiral – and you might not notice till it is too late
- There is someone in a garage at this very moment with a really great idea that will become a billion-dollar company
- Half of the knowledge we get in the first year of university or college is obsolete, or out of date, by the time we graduate
- Much of what you know today is already obsolete – you just don’t know it yet
- The TV show the Jetsons will soon seem like it too is from the olden days
- The concept of ‘just-in-time learning’ will come to dominate most of our education system in the years to come
- Every single device that you use day today will be a featured piece in a museum in less than 25 years
- and, fifty years out, people will still write lists of ‘101 things’ because it provides a nice structure for creative thinking
This is THE mindset you need to be in as you prepare for your faster future!