I count my blessings by the joy in my heart at this moment; I mark my overall success by my ability to be in the moment!
In my home province of Ontario, it's Family Day, a regional holiday in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Saskatchewan. Held on the third Monday of February, it was introduced in 2007 as a way to celebrate the importance of family - and give hard-working Canadians an extra day off to spend with their loved ones during the middle of winter! Two-thirds of all Canadians have the day off today - in our case, we have spent our weekend at our ski chalet north of the cities that line our south.
A holiday? Even so, I thought I would still do my post today since it is not a holiday everywhere (although the US is observing 'Presidents' Day', and I have so many followers around the globe who read this Daily Inspiration.
Today's topic? Defining success! How do I mark my success? What do I celebrate on this unique holiday? For me, it's to be found in this photo, taken earlier this year while up at our chalet. My sons are with my wife and me; Tom is with his wife Kim, and Willie is with his fiance Laura (with a wedding scheduled this October.) We've had a delightful weekend with some skiing, a few outdoor activities, playing some games, and having a wonderful laugh over dinner - as we do on many weekends.
My wife and I have the glorious opportunity of having many weekends like this through the winter, despite the fact, my sons are busily building their lives and have their own massive social circles. It doesn't hurt that up here, we have a family similar to ours - the Craigs - with children in the same age group. Having grown up skiing together, the remarkable unit of 8 young adults of Willie and Laura, Tom and Kim, Thomas and Alyssa, and Lauren and Ryan, can often be found together having the most wonderful of all times.
I know that the joy in Lise and Dennis's hearts would have melted a glacier when they ponder their own family unit in this photo. Taken earlier in the year, the joy is indeed palpable. Christa and I find additional joy in our hearts in our ability to share in theirs.

Success? The fact that my sons and their spouses will hang out with my wife and me for a weekend - as they do many, many weekends through ski seasons - is THE measure of my success. What is so wonderful is that at my home ski club, where I will head in a few hours, is that we see the same thing all around us - many, many families with parents and young children, with grandparents and even great-grandparents joining in the mad rush to get young toddlers to their ski lessons. There is nothing like watching a dad or a mom - busy through the week with the demand of a carer and the pressure of life - watching a 3-year-old on skis for the first time. Thye too is discovering the magic of family.
Our blessings - our children - remind us of the initiative we took to ensure that we kept our love at the forefront of our lives, and our investment in them at the foundation of our goals. Over the years, I've had the chance to chase bigger 'success' in my life - the lure of the stage and life in the spotlight has always been a tempting goal, a beacon that I could have chased further than I have. The glamour of travel, the temptation of even bigger dollars, and grander paycheques- have always been a constant pressure in the line of sight for the potential for success, and yet with my family, I have moderated my goals and always managed to keep real success in sight.
Today, I get to enjoy those decisions. Through my family, I've discovered what is important - my time with my family.
I am rewarded with moments like this.
And so on this Family Day 2023, my heart is full, my soul is joyful, and my day is filled with the most undeniable moment of being grateful for the decisions I have made along the way - for being able to be a part of it!
Jim Carroll thinks the Family Day holiday is an absolutely brilliant idea!