"Find your 11. Go further, always!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Spinal Tap knew how to do things right! They went to 11!
So should you! It was one of the most interesting moments in movie history - they had an amp with volume control that went to 10, but marked it to go to 11. It was just LOUDER!!!! It went to 11! (Nigel never understood, but hey, why not?)
Of course, it didn't really, but it is a wonderful mental leap to simply decide to go to 11 - if you decide to go to 11, you can go to 11!
What does it mean?
it means you are going to go further, try harder, put in more effort, be more epic, doing the best you can! 11! It's a fantastic idea - because that is the type of reach that we should often make in our lives!
What can we learn from establishing a goal of 11?
- excellence isn't about reaching 10 - it's about redefining what's possible beyond that, even if it doesn't make sense
- when others stop at their perceived maximum, ask yourself "What's one step further?" "How could I take this to 11?"
- it's useful to keep in mind that your personal best is a milestone, not a final destination - and a stretch milestone can be a great thing
- Limitations are often self-imposed - challenge the scale you're using by breaking the scale
- innovation happens when you push past established boundaries - so challenge the boundaries
- true growth occurs in the space beyond your comfort zone - so make the zone bigger just to give you a bit more motivation
- the difference between good and exceptional is often an extra push, so setting a goal beyond the push is useful
- your "11" might look different from others - define a measure of excellence that works for you
- keep looking further with your goals - when you think you've reached your limit, there's usually another level waiting for you
- the most significant breakthroughs happen when you dare to go beyond conventional norms - challenge the norms!
- your greatest achievements lie just beyond what you think is possible, so put the possible beyond the possible
- change the goal - the moment you think you've reached the top, build a new floor
Go to 11! Be like Nigel!
Spinal Tap was ranked #3 on Jim Carroll’s list of the 10 Best Innovation Themedf Rock Documentaries of All Time.