"Every great idea was once on the edge of discovery!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

All around you at this very moment in time, some individuals are working away on the next great idea, chasing the next great discovery, and looking for the next great solution. They are always just on the edge of discovery. Most people - including you and I - are usually unaware of what they are doing, what they are thinking, or what they will bring to the world. Many of these discovery voyagers are themselves not yet fully aware of what it is they are doing, how big their idea might be, or what they might accomplish with their efforts. They are just chasing some passion that is important to them, some ideas that are critical to their mind, some brilliant concept that has been resonating and rolling around in their brain for years.

And a few days or a few months a few years or a few decades from now, their idea will blossom into reality, and it will come to shape and change the very foundation of our future.

Maybe it will result in some sort of healthcare system that involves technologies and ideas that are as yet unimaginable.

Perhaps it will involve some future energy generation system that pulls energy from the air.

Perhaps some sort of agricultural process that allows arid regions of our planet to suddenly become significant producers.

Or maybe some automated manufacturing process that has yet to be invented.

Or a new form of transport that is yet to be conceived.

One that has a derivation available for winter travel.

Or simply a motorcycle that runs on some new, yet invented propulsion system.

Their idea might have something to do with science that is just on the precipice, technology that is balanced on the chasm of reality, or biology that only exists right now on the cliff of uncertainty. It might have to do with quantum computer technology and will forever change the power and speed of our processing friends. Or maybe it will involve fusion power or other groundbreaking energy concepts; unique technology brain implants to deal with the increase in Alzheimer's disease, or tiny medical robots that inhabit and navigate our bloodstreams. Others might bring to our future some sort of space elevator or matter teleportation that will allow our species to voyage further into the heavens or wireless energy utilized in living buildings.

Whatever the case may be, their idea is just on the edge of discovery.

Are you watching the edges?

Futurist Jim Carroll believes that ideas are energy.

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