"Never trust anyone who tries to sell you an old idea!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

The big problem with organizational memory is that often, there is too much of it. And yet, too many people rely on it to keep bringing up the same old ideas they always bring up.

This is a bad thing.

That's because old ideas lead to stagnation.

Old ideas trap you in a rut.

Old ideas block the consideration of new ideas.

Old ideas are increasingly likely to fail as time moves on.

Old ideas deter innovative thinking.

Old ideas block new risk taking.

Old ideas limit new growth opportunities.

Old ideas are often outdated in rapidly changing markets.

Old ideas may not resonate with newer generations of customers or employees.

Old ideas create resistance to change - or solidify existing resistance..

Old ideas prevent the adoption of new technologies and tools.

Old ideas foster complacency within teams.

Old ideas discourage creative problem-solving.

Old ideas are less likely to align with current industry trends.

Old ideas can resulted in a lot of wasted time.

Old ideas limit diversity of thought and perspectives.

Old ideas often result in a rigid, unchanging business culture.

Old ideas reduce an organization’s agility in responding to new crises.

Old ideas may increase vulnerability to disruption by more adaptive competitors.

Old ideas shut new ideas down.

Don't trust the people who keep giving you old ideas. 

Encourage them to come up with new ones!

#Innovation #FutureForward #BreakTheMold #Disruption #FreshIdeas #Adaptability #NoMoreStagnation #EmbraceChange #AgilityMatters #Creativity

Futurist Jim Carroll believes that old ideas cause organizations to miss out on new opportunities.

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