"Enthusiasm matters!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

You've got to bring enthusiasm to your day!

To every single moment, every single instance of time, every single interaction with others, and every single decision that you make through the day.

Enthusiasm matters!

That's a lesson that I've learned over time - sometimes the hard way. When you spend your life out on a stage, with your most important work usually occurring first thing in the morning as the opening keynote, you've often marveled at your circumstance. You've got to be on fire, on point, on track, and on the right side of your mind. You've got to be exciting, motivating, optimistic - and enthusiastic.

You've got to be lit - in the right way.

You've got to bring enthusiasm to your moment.

For a time, I lost my enthusiasm. I've been living this life of early morning keynotes for close to 35 years. That's a lot of time to have enthusiasm at the core of your soul! Around 10 years ago, after a long-term career that involved a constant stream of airports, hotels, taxis, stage checks, crowds, and more - my enthusiasm disappeared for a time. I burned out. I'd make my way to the stage and to borrow a phrase, would 'phone it in.' I think I was going through the motions, letting my lethargy get the best of me. Rather than enjoying the moment, I dreaded them.

The impact showed in my work, deportment, attitude, and to be honest, personal health.

I now look back at some video from that moment in time with dread. The enthusiasm was gone. Depleted. Burned though. Diminished.

Then I found out how to bring my enthusiasm back.

And it's never been better!

Yesterday, I spoke in Chicago for five construction union contractor groups about the future impact of artificial intelligence on the industry, one of several events this month.

One of the most personally inspiring moments for me came when the fellow who originally contacted me - Tim Marabella, the Executive Vice President at the Great Lakes Construction Association - told me that one of the key reasons he booked me for the event over others was the enthusiasm that I showed him during the exploratory Zoom calls. I brought that enthusiasm to the topic, my research and preparation, and to the enthusiasm for the mission that I brought to the stage.

I don't mind saying I was on fire, lit, and in the best of zones.

Because my enthusiasm was with me!

You've got to bring enthusiasm to your day.

If you don't, your day will go off the rails, and both you and those around you will be worse off for it.

Think about this: enthusiasm is the most important driver of your progress and success.

It gives you the energy you need to take bold actions, face tough challenges, and maintain a positive attitude in the face of setbacks and obstacles. It isn't just about being positive and optimistic - it's about nurturing your passion for the topic at hand and the moment you will find yourself in. It's about knowing that passion is the thing that will propel you forward, not back. It's being aware that your enthusiasm will give you the strength you need to stay committed to your goals even when times are tough.

Always remember one simple fact above all - enthusiasm can be contagious, inspiring those around you.

I brought that enthusiasm to the stage in Chicago yesterday, emphasizing to this crowd of hard-working contractors and construction folks that AI wasn't going to replace them, but was going to change them - and that they would do better to adapt to it with enthusiasm and hope, rather than running from it with fear and worry.

In essence, sharing with them the idea that their enthusiasm matters!

Futurist Jim Carroll starts each workday with an enthusiastic frame of mind as he writes his Daily Inspiration post, one of which you are reading right now!

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