"Your potential lies on the other side of your inaction!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

I regularly meet people who are stuck.

Often they are trapped in situations in which they are doing things they don't want to do and are chasing the same excuses every day about why they want to escape and set themselves free.

Yet they never do. They end up defining their future by their inaction rather than their initiative.

One of the worst things you can ever do when it comes to aligning to tomorrow is to let your inaction drive your decisions - the only way to move forward is actually to make the steps to go there.But what is holding you back? Fear of failure? Could the dread of disappointment be paralyzing you? Do you doubt your ability to succeed? Is it the warm embrace of your comfort zone, your safe space, or the fact that doing nothing drives your decisions? Are you endlessly procrastinating, deferring the decisions that might get you moving? Are you overthinking each step of your escape, letting analysis paralysis guide your inaction?

Maybe you should do an inaction inventory. Identify the uncertainties that are immobilizing you, the negative self-talk that chips away at your confidence. Is it fear of the unknown? Lack of resources? Self-doubt? People around you are negative influences, feeding you the message that what you are thinking about can't be done.

Moving forward can often be overwhelming - but standing still, in the long run, will be even more overwhelming because you will come to define yourself by your inaction rather than your initiative.

It's Motivation Monday, folks!

Get motivated, and get moving!

Futurist Jim Carroll believes that inaction is at the root of most failure.

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