"If you keep blaming other people for all your problems, you've got a bigger problem than you think!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

A break from uniqueness for a moment.

You know you should never blame someone else for your problems, your errors, your blunders, your mistakes, your bad decisions.

Ownership is everything.

Excuses are the enemy of initiative, the disease that leads to inaction, and fertilizer for failure.

Stop making them.

Great leaders don't make excuses.

They don't blame others - they take ownership.

They don't complain that it is someone else's fault - they set a tone by owning it.

They don't say they are waiting for someone else to do something - they set off to do it.

They don't wait for someone else to tell them what to do. - they take the initiative and figure it out.

They don't ignore obvious warning signs flashing around them - they make decisions that eliminate the warnings.

They don't say they don't have the right people - they find the right people.

They don't say they don't have enough time - they make enough time.

They don't say it's too difficult to do - they find a way to do it.

Take ownership, chase action, and pursue solutions.

Be the person who refuses to make excuses.

Before it's too late.

Futurist Jim Carroll often speaks and writes on leadership issues of the day.

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