"Never accept for a moment that you have to accept their belief that it can't be done!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

You've got to stop letting other people tell you how to live your future.

It's your future, not theirs. Make it your own. This means tuning them out. Refusing their suggestions that it can't be done. Your attitude should be: "Because I was told it could not be done, I did it anyway!"

Here are 10 things I've learned about the power of believing in your ideas about tomorrow:

  1. Keep going at it despite the noise
  2. Tune out the negativity of the detractors - focus on your belief in your optimism
  3. Be relentless on your goal - don't give up
  4. Don't accept that your idea won't work - make it work
  5. Listen to your inner self - it's YOUR idea, not theirs
  6. Learn to bounce back - get over the small hurdles along the way
  7. Modify your goal in small ways but stick with the big picture as long as you can
  8. Learn from each misstep - build on each small failure as a win
  9. Banish the doubts that will endlessly invade your mind
  10. Enjoy the ride!

Never accept for a moment their doubt.

It's your future. Not theirs!

 Futurist Jim Carroll has learned a lot about the future in his career - one of the most important being found in the idea of personal ownership of tomorrow!

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