"Get to your future faster!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

If you are going to spend most of your future tomorrow, wouldn't it make sense to understand what it will look like when you get there? And wouldn't it make sense to take a few steps right now to make sure you are ready for it, given how quickly it is coming at you? Shouldn't you try to get to your future, faster?

With that being the case, here are my steps to align yourself with tomorrow, today:

  1. Accept that the future will be different from today
  2. With that, embrace it
  3. Don't fight it - train for it
  4. Work harder to understand it
  5. Figure out what you need to do better in it
  6. Listen to the right people to understand what it will look like when you get there
  7. In that context, take the time to think about what you need to do to get ready for it
  8. Understand the new skills you will need once you arrive
  9. Start learning those new skills right now to make sure you are ready
  10. Have faith in your ability to succeed once you are there
  11. Know that the future is a voyage, not a destination.
  12. Accept personal responsibility for this voyage
  13. Be prepared for twists and turns that are a part of the voyage
  14. Battle the volatility that you might encounter along the way
  15. Practice the art of positivity to make sure your mindset is aligned with the opportunity it presents
  16. Enjoy the present while doing these things as you get ready for what comes next!

Tomorrow will be here sooner than you think.

Why not start getting ready now?

Futurist Jim Carroll spends some time of his time thinking about the future.

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