"Today is a great day to start doing your next great thing!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
At the start of the week, it's a great time to chase a great idea.
And so why not commit yourself to trying to do something great today?
I've long believed that everyone has a little bit (or a lot) of greatness tucked deep down inside them - and yet social, cultural, workplace and other constraints tamp down our ability to set it free. Sometimes it takes a conscious effort and specific steps to 'chase your greatness.'
How might you be able to do that?
- Take ownership. Look, you can't blame anyone other than yourself if you don't take the steps today to create yourself a better tomorrow. I always hear a lot of people whining that things could be better 'if only....' Excuses are the thing that will guarantee you failure, so stop making them! You'll never achieve great results if you keep refusing to try to own them.
- Do it now. Instead of waiting for the 'right moment,' make that moment right now., What the heck are you waiting for? There's never a perfect time to do the right thing - there's only the right time to do anything.
- Be bold today. Why continue thinking small when you could start making bold leaps with your imagination? Remember - nothing great was ever achieved by thinking small.
- Be curious with intent. Maybe it's a good day to just waste some time exercising your curiosity. You might discover something great hidden in the recesses of your deep imagination!
- Collaborate more. Have you ever thought that the thing that is holding you back is your thinking - and that if you change that thinking, you can move forward? And that the best way to change your thinking is to influence that thinking with the thinking of other people.
- Go at it with true grit. Stop giving up. It's not easy being great, but it's not great being an innovation wimp.
- Take action. Nothing great was ever achieved without initiative!
Here's an image to inspire you to think 'great things' - generated by MidJourney's AI, which was generated directly from today's quote.

I like this one in particular!

With that thought in mind - have a GREAT day!
Futurist Jim Carroll believes that every day has the potential to be a great day!