
6 posts

The Change Imperative

The Change Imperative

"Your biggest opportunities will be defined by how well you deal with the challenge of change!" - Futurist Jim Carroll The photo used in today's quote comes from an event I did a few weeks ago in Charlotte, North Carolina, for the North American leadership meeting

Leading the Edge

Leading the Edge

"Get out in front" - Futurist Jim Carroll It's the company you likely have never heard of, but you use their products a lot. And they are having me back in today for their global leadership summit being held in Charlotte, North Carolina. Assa Abloy is

Mind The Gap

Mind The Gap

"Innovative organizations work to narrow the gap between opportunity and action!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's talk about gaps. Are you falling behind? Back in 2019, I began sharing on stage the idea of what I called the 'Acceleration Gap,' noting that the speed



"If you aren't prepared for acceleration you aren't prepared for your future!" - Futurist Jim Carroll On March 19, 2012, Amazon acquired the robotics maker Kiva. It had 1,000 robots. Today, it has more than 750,000 in use, with plans for many,

Like the Sign Says.

Like the Sign Says.

"Bring on tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Like the sign says. Bring on tomorrow - because if you don't, your tomorrow might not work out so well! The photo is from my stage setup yesterday - an exhilarating day in Fort Worth with a keynote for

The Stick Shift

The Stick Shift

"You can't keep using old methods to deal with new realities" - Futurist Jim Carroll Are you driving with a stick shift in the era of video game controllers? If so, ask yourself this question - how many of your actions are based on ideas and

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