Being Unique

15 posts



"Own your future. Before someone owns it for you." - Futurist Jim Carroll Groupthink. Committees. Consensus. Buy-in. Harmony. Concurrence. Unanimity.  Conformity. These are the words, ideas, attitudes, and cultures that kill great ideas.  They are also the words and phrases that can kill your uniqueness, which is not

Uniqueness Inventory

Uniqueness Inventory

"Find out what makes you different. Do more of it!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Today's Inspiration is directly from the very opening moment of the book I've been trying to write. I'll be getting more into those issues from the opening and

Oddballs, Rebels, Freaks

Oddballs, Rebels, Freaks

"Being unique will get you to your future faster!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm starting a new series with this post. I don't know exactly how it will unfold, what course it will follow, or when it will come to an end, and certainly

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