
47 posts

Catalyzing Hyper-Responsive Strategic Convergence for Next-Gen Ecosystemic Optimization

Catalyzing Hyper-Responsive Strategic Convergence for Next-Gen Ecosystemic Optimization

"Are you big on buzzwords and short on substance?" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm preparing for an upcoming keynote later in November for an organization that just booked me, and asked them to share a bit of insight with me as to their current strategies, structure



"AI? It’s a creativity steroid!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Smart creative types are quickly learning how to leverage the idea of AI art, and are drinking from a creative firehose. It is simply staggering to see how quickly things are evolving out there. Take the case of

Innovate Always!

Innovate Always!

"Chase change!" - Futurist Jim Carroll For those of you who receive my Daily Inspiration via e-mail, welcome to my new format! I've been sending out this email in the same old way with the same old setup since I began in 2016. It was time

The Pursuit of Happiness!

The Pursuit of Happiness!

"Create more happy!" - Futurist Jim Carroll In just about two weeks, I'll be headed to Abu Dhabi, where I will speak to a senior group of government ministers and executives for the seven Emirates. I'm quite looking forward to the talk and working

Open Innovation

Open Innovation

"Innovation? Fix things faster!" - Futurist Jim Carroll One of the most unappreciated trends of our time but one that has the potential for the most benefit involves what are known as 'application program interfaces,' or API's. Combine that with 'open source software&

Creative Ketchup!

Creative Ketchup!

"See differently and you'll innovate brilliantly!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Most people see a ketchup bottle. Creative people see trends & innovation! Last week, I spoke at the Manufacturers Association for Plastic Processors conference in Indianapolis; my topic was the impact and opportunity of artificial intelligence

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