
56 posts

Oddballs, Rebels, Freaks

Oddballs, Rebels, Freaks

"Being unique will get you to your future faster!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm starting a new series with this post. I don't know exactly how it will unfold, what course it will follow, or when it will come to an end, and certainly

The Upgrade

The Upgrade

"Reboot your creativity. Refresh your imagination. Restart your ideas. Redo your future" - Futurist Jim Carroll It takes a lot to survive and thrive in today's fast-moving world. That's why you need a creativity upgrade, an imagination enhancement, a mindset refurbishment, and an initiative

Goodbye Hollywood!

Goodbye Hollywood!

"Are you thinking too slow and small in a great big fast world?" - Futurist Jim Carroll Hollywood is the next to be faced with a dramatically challenged future - We are probably only years away, or less before we see an entire feature film created by AI

On Innovation & Golf

On Innovation & Golf

"Spend too much time chasing perfection and you'll never invest enough time to learn from your failures!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Since it's summertime, a few golf stories are creeping into my Daily - because many lessons about leadership, innovation, and creativity can come

Imaginate More!

Imaginate More!

"Never underimagine tomorrow! Over-imaginate it!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Creativity based upon unlocking your imagination is the key to unlocking tomorrow. We don't do enough of it. We should. Which starts with inventing new words! But you should also have a deep understanding of the link



"There will always be someone with a better idea!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Never rest on your laurels. Never become complacent. Never presume that your idea is the best idea, the only idea, the greatest idea. Because there is always another better one! People who spend time with

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