
57 posts

Look Out!

Look Out!

"World class innovators focus on customer-oriented innovation" - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is running his Daily Inspiration series for the weeks of March 11/18 on the theme of "What is it that World Class Innovators Do That Others Don't Do?" The

My First Book.

My First Book.

"Your best story is the one you have yet to share!" - Futurist Jim Carrol It’s book week! Each day this week, Futurist Jim Carroll has been featuring one of his books. He’s written 39! In this final post of the week in which I'



“Have you ever thought that perhaps you have been looking in the wrong direction, at the wrong time, at the wrong threat?” — Futurist Jim Carroll It’s book week! Each day, a post involving one of my books! That’s because there are TWO big milestones this week. The first

Wonka Land!

Wonka Land!

"Be careful what you do within the boundaries of your imagination!"- Futurist Jim Carroll AI has had its Fyre Festival moment! It was bound to happen. The Fyre Festival? Remember that? The wildly exotic Caribbean music festival that promised so much and yet delivered so little! Remember

Good Mistakes

Good Mistakes

"Do the wrong things for the right reasons!"- Futurist Jim Carroll History celebrates the rule-breakers who did the wrong things for the right reasons! Rosa Parks - she defined the push for civil rights by refusing to sit where she was told. Martin Luther King for a

Machine Weight.

Machine Weight.

"When the old rules no longer apply, it's time to make some new ones!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Here's a video of a rancher serenading his herd home with his trombone. Posted more than 8 years ago, the video has had more than 24

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