
57 posts

Rebels. Oddballs. Freaks.

Rebels. Oddballs. Freaks.

"Dare to differ. Be that one in every crowd!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Some people. Innovative people. Spot the difference! It's quite true. Some people have a very narrow view of the world and never achieve too much. Innovators have a wide-open mind and change the



"Every great idea was once on the edge of discovery!" - Futurist Jim Carroll All around you at this very moment in time, some individuals are working away on the next great idea, chasing the next great discovery, and looking for the next great solution. They are always

Impossible Possibilities

Impossible Possibilities

"There's nothing worse than not trying!" - Futurist Jim Carroll My wife and I have recently been watching the show "Anything is Possible" over on the Disney Channel - it's a 6-part series about the special effects company Industrial Light and Magic.

Capital Thinking.

Capital Thinking.

"Creativity capital, experiential capital, collaborative capital, generational capital - these are now the new requirements necessary for innovation success!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Enhance your balance sheet! You need to understand what's necessary with 21st-century capital: and why it's not just financial capital anymore!

The Little Drone That Could.

The Little Drone That Could.

"A little bit of ingenuity will go a long way to achieving a big bit of innovation success!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Any innovation story would not be complete without a little bit of Ingenuity. The NASA Mars drone, Ingenuity, that is. It's the little spacecraft

Standing Out

Standing Out

"Stop trying to be like everyone else. Just be yourself!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Don't twist yourself into knots trying to conform! If you are unique, celebrate it and run with it - because that is often the key pathway to success. Think about it -

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