Human Capital

4 posts



"Presume, in the absence of constant action, your obsolescence"  - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is writing a series, "25 Things I've Learned That Will Carry Me Into 2025." He is putting this together based on his 30-year career as a futurist, trends,

Modern Teambuilding

Modern Teambuilding

"Make your team work!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Much of my work around trends and tomorrow involves the skills of the team that will help take you there. Many organizations have a big problem in this context. They don't have the right type of people who

The Glass is Full

The Glass is Full

"Construct your opportunities by demolishing your fears!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Here's a fun one I've got coming up in October! Five Chicago area construction associations representing unionized workers are bringing me in for a talk on the impact of AI in construction. I&



"Your attitude should get you everything!” - Futurist Jim Carroll The business of recruitment is broken. In the last many years, much of it has moved to a world of automated resume processing, analytical examination of talent and skills, and the dominance of cold, hard statistical analysis. Many companies

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