"Find your 11. Go further, always!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Spinal Tap knew how to do things right! They went to 11!
So should you! It was one of the most interesting moments in movie history - they had an amp with volume control that went to 10,
"Believe that you can so that you know you will do!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Nothing great has ever been achieved through inaction! That's the thought that came to my mind while out for my afternoon walk yesterday, and spotted someone wearing this shirt. "She
"Chase change!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
For those of you who receive my Daily Inspiration via e-mail, welcome to my new format!
I've been sending out this email in the same old way with the same old setup since I began in 2016. It was time
"Never accept for a moment their suggestion that you won't succeed!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Never let doubt creep in.
Never accept for a moment that creativity has limits.
Never accept for a moment that innovation is impossible.
Never accept for a moment that the status
"Do things!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Never fall into the trap of saying “I could have done that" - because that means you live a life in which you never try! (This was the first version, significantly shortened!)
Instead, be a person who does things! Who thinks
"Enthusiasm matters!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
You've got to bring enthusiasm to your day!
To every single moment, every single instance of time, every single interaction with others, and every single decision that you make through the day.
Enthusiasm matters!
That's a lesson that
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