
55 posts

Action! Initiative!

Action! Initiative!

"Be prepared to launch"

Learning by Doing

Learning by Doing

"Before you are good at something, you're bad at it. That's OK. That's how it's supposed to work!"

Decision indecision.

Decision indecision.

"If you can't make a simple decision you'll never master a complex future!"



"The secret to your future? Showing up!"

Expand Your Horizons

Expand Your Horizons

"If you keep listening to the same old people, you'll keep doing the same old things!"

Rapid Response

Rapid Response

“The brutal truth is that you now need a new plan: are you already ready to challenge your indecision and kill your sudden inertia?” - Futurist Jim Carroll The world has changed pretty dramatically in just over ten days, hasn’t it? Most likely, so too has the potential for

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