"World class innovators possess a relentless focus on growth"- Futurist Jim Carroll
Futurist Jim Carroll is running his Daily Inspiration series for the weeks of March 11/18 on the theme of "What is it that World Class Innovators Do That Others Don't Do?
"World-class innovators refuse to accept the way things were" - Futurist Jim Carroll
How do you become a world-class innovator? Not someone who merely pokes around the edges of innovative thinking and explores a few ideas here and there, but someone who truly tries to infuse the mindset
"Have you ever realized that maybe it’s your attitude that has you winning in the race to irrelevance?" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Only a fool dares believe that their past defines their future.
I've met a lot of fools. Hubris, arrogance, imperiousness - these are
"Do the wrong things for the right reasons!"- Futurist Jim Carroll
History celebrates the rule-breakers who did the wrong things for the right reasons!
Rosa Parks - she defined the push for civil rights by refusing to sit where she was told. Martin Luther King for a
"When the old rules no longer apply, it's time to make some new ones!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Here's a video of a rancher serenading his herd home with his trombone.
Posted more than 8 years ago, the video has had more than 24
"Dare to differ. Be that one in every crowd!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Some people. Innovative people.
Spot the difference!
It's quite true. Some people have a very narrow view of the world and never achieve too much. Innovators have a wide-open mind and change the
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