
107 posts

Impossible Possibilities

Impossible Possibilities

"There's nothing worse than not trying!" - Futurist Jim Carroll My wife and I have recently been watching the show "Anything is Possible" over on the Disney Channel - it's a 6-part series about the special effects company Industrial Light and Magic.

Vanilla Beans.

Vanilla Beans.

"Believe that you can do something noble" - Zachary Taffany Meet Zachary Taffany. He calls himself "The Vanilla Evangelist." My wife and I just met him - and listened to a pretty fascinating presentation - at the only vanilla bean farm in the USA - The

Capital Thinking.

Capital Thinking.

"Creativity capital, experiential capital, collaborative capital, generational capital - these are now the new requirements necessary for innovation success!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Enhance your balance sheet! You need to understand what's necessary with 21st-century capital: and why it's not just financial capital anymore!

The Little Drone That Could.

The Little Drone That Could.

"A little bit of ingenuity will go a long way to achieving a big bit of innovation success!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Any innovation story would not be complete without a little bit of Ingenuity. The NASA Mars drone, Ingenuity, that is. It's the little spacecraft

Recognizing Success

Recognizing Success

"A simple act of recognition can often transcend a moment into a moment that matters!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Sometimes, a simple momentary act of recognition will go a long way toward building a longer period of success!  Yesterday, in my keynote for a few thousand cattle ranchers

Fear the Fear.

Fear the Fear.

"Don't be frightened of new ideas. Be fearful of your fear of them!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Today's post is a bit short. I'm down in Orlando where just after 8 am, I'll be the General Session keynote speaker for

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