
123 posts

Comfortably Numb?

Comfortably Numb?

"Dazed and confused? There's still time to change the road you're on!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm over in Dublin, Ireland, and spent the day yesterday visiting the town where the ancestors on my mom's side are from. The result

Don't Defer

Don't Defer

"Stop waiting for the right time - because you'll eventually run out of time!" - Futurist Jim Carroll There's a cost to indecision. There is a penalty for waiting. There is no benefit from procrastination. Setbacks come from postponing. One of the most common

The Collapse of Time

The Collapse of Time

"Innovation never waits for the slow fast-follower!” - Futurist Jim Carroll I put together an interesting set of slides about the conundrum that organizations now face in the era of accelerating AI trends. For a long time, when it comes to new disruptive technologies and business models, organizations have

The Art of Not Giving Up

The Art of Not Giving Up

"Success is the inevitable result of persistence" - Futurist Jim Carroll Persistence is the art of making repeated mistakes until you get it right - and it's a critical pathway to innovation and success. Don't give up. Abandoning your effort is never a great

Get it Done.

Get it Done.

"Move fast and make things!" - Futurist Jim Carroll It's long been the key phrase of Silicon Valley - 'move fast and break things' - the entire thinking being that in the race to build a new market and dominate within it, speed is

Be Unique.

Be Unique.

"In a world of lemmings, be the unicorn!"

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