"Never trust anyone who tries to sell you an old idea!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
The big problem with organizational memory is that often, there is too much of it. And yet, too many people rely on it to keep bringing up the same old ideas they always
"Move from why it can't be done to why it should be done!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Shift happens. Do you?
Many organizations fail because they have failure engrained in their corporate culture! Do you?
Thirty years of innovation insight tells me that it can be
"Be the spark that ignites the flame of change!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Most people have a problem.
In fact, most people know that they aren't quite ready for all the change that they are faced with in their future, yet know that everything they are
''Old ways of doing new things? Often it’s only the young who can shake it off" - Futurist Jim Carroll
(I saw what you did, said Swifties!)
Everyone hated Zoom - until they didn't anymore. We spent so much time in Zoom rooms during
"You should be building your tomorrow. Today." - Futurist Jim Carroll
The future of construction seems to be a bit of a theme this fall.
One of the events I've got coming up is a talk in Arizona for an event put on by Chain Store
"The only thing limiting your opportunity is the limitation of your inspiration!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
I've been writing these posts each workday since August 2016.
That's a lot of 'Daily Inspirations.'
For today's post, I fed 7 years'
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