
113 posts

Mind The Gap

Mind The Gap

"Innovative organizations work to narrow the gap between opportunity and action!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's talk about gaps. Are you falling behind? Back in 2019, I began sharing on stage the idea of what I called the 'Acceleration Gap,' noting that the speed



"Have you ever noticed that you are surrounded by more ultracrepidarians than ever before?" - Futurist Jim Carroll One of the biggest problems with the information age is that there is too much information. Some of it is valid and correct, and much of it is not. And

Bold Bets.

Bold Bets.

"Dive In. Figure it out" - Futurist Jim Carroll My attention was drawn last week to an article about Amazons' thinking behind a big bet on artificial intelligence; Amazon built a $2 trillion company through years of aggressive spending on its retail and logistics businesses. Its future

On Innovation & Golf

On Innovation & Golf

"Spend too much time chasing perfection and you'll never invest enough time to learn from your failures!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Since it's summertime, a few golf stories are creeping into my Daily - because many lessons about leadership, innovation, and creativity can come

The Key to Tomorrow

The Key to Tomorrow

"You'll never know how to unlock your true potential if you don't know how to unlock tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let me pause for a brief bit of promo material. It's a new keynote topic I rolled out for a client

Modern Teambuilding

Modern Teambuilding

"Make your team work!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Much of my work around trends and tomorrow involves the skills of the team that will help take you there. Many organizations have a big problem in this context. They don't have the right type of people who

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