
123 posts

The "If Only's"

The "If Only's"

"Circumstances aren’t to blame for your situation. It's how you react to them and what you do with them that matters!"- Futurist Jim Carroll Avoid the 'if only's.' You know. If only this hadn't happened. If only that

Unique Leadership

Unique Leadership

"If you keep telling your team the same old thing, they'll keep doing the same old thing" - Futurist Jim Carroll Unique teams can accomplish unique goals using unique visions. In that context, much of real leadership today should be about sharing a real vision of

Avoiding the Crowd

Avoiding the Crowd

"When everyone is running one way, run the other way" -  Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is using his Daily Inspiration blog post – one of which you are reading now – to generate material for a book he has in progress with the working title, “How to be

Successful Failure

Successful Failure

"Don't let the bad moments define your good ones!" - Futurist Jim Carroll It was a wildly successful failure! Sure, I'm probably dead last in the Seniors Golf Tournament in which I participated this weekend, but I bear no shame. And, because I was

Mind The Gap

Mind The Gap

"Innovative organizations work to narrow the gap between opportunity and action!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's talk about gaps. Are you falling behind? Back in 2019, I began sharing on stage the idea of what I called the 'Acceleration Gap,' noting that the speed



"Have you ever noticed that you are surrounded by more ultracrepidarians than ever before?" - Futurist Jim Carroll One of the biggest problems with the information age is that there is too much information. Some of it is valid and correct, and much of it is not. And

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