"Never forget that yesterday's assumptions are today's vulnerabilities!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
It was a wild day for AI yesterday. And it was also a wild day for stocks. The two are interrelated. You might have noticed that tech stocks took a beating.
“Sometimes, satire can become all too real” – Futurist Jim Carroll
There’s no doubt that there might not be a lot of logical, rational stuff going on in the next few years. That’s why I keep stressing that volatility is the new normal.
With that in mind, I can’
"It's easy to overpromise, but even easier to underdeliver" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Nothing great is ever achieved when the gap between expectations and reality is never closed!
Leaders can become trapped by their rhetoric - the more ambitious their promises, the more pressure they face
"Maybe you should do more than have a plan to create a plan!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
My news clipping service recently picked up this gem of insight from a Conference Board leadership survey:
"Outside of Japan, few CEOs are looking to raise prices in 2025. Instead,
"The difference between good & great companies isn't when they innovate, but that they never stop!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Over the years, I've had several companies come to me, seeking a speaker for a leadership or annual conference, stating that their 'theme
"Always remember that the toughest decisions are usually the right ones!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
It's difficult to make difficult decisions!
That doesn't' mean they shouldn't be made - because the very action of not making the decision will make the
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