"Yesterday’s ideas won’t work for you tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Someone asked me yesterday about my comment that Chinese automotive companies will likely own the automotive industry of the future.
Sadly, I think that it is true - the reason for that being that most
"Erratic leadership will always bring erratic results, but distracted leadership is guaranteed to bring even worse" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Jim Balsillie wanted to buy himself an NHL hockey team and wasted away precious time with his company RIM - the home of the Blackberry - while Apple
"Assumptions are often just a dangerous, delusional certainty! (Because they will blind you to the reality of your reality!)" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Often, the thing that holds people back from their ability to get to tomorrow is their insane ability to hold to their beliefs, even in
"The future belongs to those who put in the effort to actually go there!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
I went into the broadcast studio yesterday to film a voyage about yesterday's inspiration, in a clip involving artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, and virtual reality - and how
"World class aren't afraid of big ideas!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Futurist Jim Carroll is running his Daily Inspiration series for March 11/18 on the theme of “What is it that World Class Innovators Do That Others Don’t Do?” The leadership ideas are based
"World class innovators focus on long term wins through constant incremental improvements" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Futurist Jim Carroll is running his Daily Inspiration series for March 11/18 on the theme of “What is it that World Class Innovators Do That Others Don’t Do?” The leadership
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