Personal Growth

135 posts

The Change Imperative

The Change Imperative

"Your biggest opportunities will be defined by how well you deal with the challenge of change!" - Futurist Jim Carroll The photo used in today's quote comes from an event I did a few weeks ago in Charlotte, North Carolina, for the North American leadership meeting



"The only thing limiting your opportunity is the limitation of your inspiration!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I've been writing these posts each workday since August 2016. That's a lot of 'Daily Inspirations.' For today's post, I fed 7 years'

Fired Up.

Fired Up.

"The return of basic human decency is what will make things great again" - Futurist Jim Carroll I know I shouldn't dive into this topic, but I'm fired up. You've probably seen the video clip of Gus Walz tearing up as he

Right Now.

Right Now.

"It’s never too late to realize it’s not too late!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Trying new things is the root of all innovation. Taking initiative is the key to innovation success. Admitting that things need to change is the first step in the path to innovation

The "If Only's"

The "If Only's"

"Circumstances aren’t to blame for your situation. It's how you react to them and what you do with them that matters!"- Futurist Jim Carroll Avoid the 'if only's.' You know. If only this hadn't happened. If only that

Unique Leadership

Unique Leadership

"If you keep telling your team the same old thing, they'll keep doing the same old thing" - Futurist Jim Carroll Unique teams can accomplish unique goals using unique visions. In that context, much of real leadership today should be about sharing a real vision of

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