"Your future should always begin with your wildest imagination!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
People always tend to say, "Never in my wildest imagination!"
And then that thing happens, and they are shocked by what they see.
But our idea of tomorrow should always consist of our
"The future is going to happen to all of us. It’s what YOU do with that fact that matters!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
You can't blame others if you don't arrive tomorrow in good shape.
It's not the fault of other
"Never accept for a moment their suggestion that you won't succeed!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Never let doubt creep in.
Never accept for a moment that creativity has limits.
Never accept for a moment that innovation is impossible.
Never accept for a moment that the status
"Do things!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Never fall into the trap of saying “I could have done that" - because that means you live a life in which you never try! (This was the first version, significantly shortened!)
Instead, be a person who does things! Who thinks
"Enthusiasm matters!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
You've got to bring enthusiasm to your day!
To every single moment, every single instance of time, every single interaction with others, and every single decision that you make through the day.
Enthusiasm matters!
That's a lesson that
"Be the person who sees the solutions, not the one who only identifies the problems!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
You never read a LinkedIn profile that starts out boasting someone is just a problem-identifier - but you do see people boasting that they are a problem-solver! You never
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