
6 posts

A Reminder.

A Reminder.

"You'll never find your opportunity in the depths of your despair!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm down in Silicon Valley in California today, where I've got a last-minute film project with Intel and HP on what else - artificial intelligence! More to



"World class innovators possess a relentless focus on growth"- Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is running his Daily Inspiration series for the weeks of March 11/18 on the theme of "What is it that World Class Innovators Do That Others Don't Do?

Caught in a Trap (They Can't Get Out?)

Caught in a Trap (They Can't Get Out?)

"Real leaders don't try to cost cut their way into the future! (They reinvent!)"

Failing at Tomorrow

Failing at Tomorrow

"Cast a more skeptical eye towards many trends, forecasts and predictions”



"Volatility is the new normal. Agility is the antidote!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I often provide detailed strategic guidance to senior executives and leaders on trends and the future, and certainly, the economy has become a big part of what I address today. Much of my time is

Crisis Management

Crisis Management

“Ignore for a moment all the doom and the gloom: rather, invest your time wisely with the trends and ideas from which your future might bloom!” – Futurist Jim Carroll You are thinking the quote relates to the global economic downturn occurring all around us – it’s actually for a golf

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