"You will never see the intelligence if you never try to use the tools!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
I've long believed that you can't talk about something if you don't do that something.
I certainly can't talk about climbing Mt.
"It's the types of crime that we can't yet imagine that we should be worried about!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Later today, I'll be doing a talk for the senior leadership team of the RCMP - that's the Royal Canadian
"Every single trend is both an existential threat and a transformative opportunity at the same moment in time!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
The buzz is that everyone is going to lose their job.
After all, that's what the media is telling everyone with breathless coverage such
"Innovation? Fix things faster!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
One of the most unappreciated trends of our time but one that has the potential for the most benefit involves what are known as 'application program interfaces,' or API's. Combine that with 'open source software&
"Construct your opportunities by demolishing your fears!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Here's a fun one I've got coming up in October!
Five Chicago area construction associations representing unionized workers are bringing me in for a talk on the impact of AI in construction. I&
"You don't need to know how AI works. You need to know about its impact and opportunities!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
I'm down in Fort Worth, Texas this morning; after lunch, I'll speak to several hundred retail and supply chain executives about
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