
16 posts

The Perfect Golf Ball

The Perfect Golf Ball

"Chase bold goals: It’s not too late to try to invent the perfect GPS-based golf ball!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm off to watch the Canadian Open today - it's just about a 45-minute drive from my home. One of the cool things

The Stick Shift

The Stick Shift

"You can't keep using old methods to deal with new realities" - Futurist Jim Carroll Are you driving with a stick shift in the era of video game controllers? If so, ask yourself this question - how many of your actions are based on ideas and

The AI Arms Race

The AI Arms Race

"One day soon, you'll need an AI to know how to use Al!" - Futurist Jim Carroll It's been just over a year and a half since OpenAI announced ChatGPT, and since then, the AI floodgates have been opened. That company, along with Google

Training the Robots

Training the Robots

"We've now entered the stage where we are talking about the need to build a gymnasium for robots so that robots can learn how to be robots!" - Futurist Jim Carroll If you follow the world of artificial intelligence at all or are an active investor,



"World class innovators focus on pervasive connectivity" - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is running his Daily Inspiration series for March 11/18 on the theme of “What is it that World Class Innovators Do That Others Don’t Do?” The leadership ideas are based on an

Machine Weight.

Machine Weight.

"When the old rules no longer apply, it's time to make some new ones!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Here's a video of a rancher serenading his herd home with his trombone. Posted more than 8 years ago, the video has had more than 24

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