Spinal Tap was an epic movie - in fact, I put it at the top of my list of the 10 Most Important Innovation Themed Rock Documentaries of All Time. It was ranked at #3. They went to 11! So should you! It was one of the most interesting moments in movie history - they had an amp with volume control that went to 10, but marked it to go to 11. It was just LOUDER!!!! It went to 11!
Of course, it didn't really, but it is a wonderful mental leap to simply decide to go to 11. If you decide to go to 11, you can go to 11! What's it mean? You are going to go further, try harder, put in more effort, be more epic, doing the best you can! 11! I've always, for some odd reason, found powerful motivation in this moment in the movie - it's obviously blisteringly funny because Nigel doesn't seem to be in on the joke, and sincerely believes he is going to 11! It's fantastic - because that is the type of reach that we should often make in our lives!
Innovation in rock documentaries? Go back to my list and look at #1 - the rock band Anvil! Those guys rock! They never gave up, in spite of long odds. They kept on trying and trying and trying to make a comeback, and the documentary movie on their journey is epic, sweet, touching, downright depressing, and motivating, all at once.
I gave them innovation points for never giving up, being relentless in their focus, not letting the down moments get them down, and not doing it ‘their’ way’, but their ‘own’ way.
Years ago, I was transiting through Toronto Pearson on my way to LA for an event, and I met them at the gate while boarding. It was an epic moment - it went to 11! I managed to get a photo off my old Blackberry device. 11!

Go read the list. And today, take your life to 11!