Futurist Jim Carroll

520 posts

Accepting the Future

Accepting the Future

"It's only a stranded asset if you decide to leave it stranded!"

The Excuse Factory

The Excuse Factory

"You'll never know where the edge of opportunity exists if you don't make an attempt to go there!"



"It's not about the win or loss. It's about the absolute joy you have in pursuing it!"

Directional Thinking

Directional Thinking

"Chasing innovation without knowing what comes next is like running a race without knowing where the finish line is!"

Don't Forget About the Future!

Don't Forget About the Future!

"Tomorrow is already all around you! (You just aren't looking in the right place!)"

Taking Aim, Shooting Foot!

Taking Aim, Shooting Foot!

"If you are the one who should know better, do better!"

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