
29 posts

Space Based Energy

Space Based Energy

"If you can't dream big, why bother dreaming at all?" - Futurist Jim Carroll Out on the fringe of exploration are a lot of 'crazy' ideas - that is until they aren't so crazy anymore! I was thinking of that when my

The Anti-Future Future

The Anti-Future Future

"When the future becomes a culture war, watch the trends. Not the noise" - Futurist Jim Carroll It's a weird time to be a futurist - have you noticed that the future has become a culture war? While you deal with the realities of science, technologies,



"Your attitude should get you everything!” - Futurist Jim Carroll The business of recruitment is broken. In the last many years, much of it has moved to a world of automated resume processing, analytical examination of talent and skills, and the dominance of cold, hard statistical analysis. Many companies



"It's better to construct an understanding instead of manufacturing fear!" - Futurist Jim Carroll The long version is this: "It's better to construct an understanding of what tomorrow might bring instead of manufacturing fear about what it might take away!"  I'

Reality Check.

Reality Check.

"One day soon, we’ll recognize that at this very moment in time, we were on the edge of the arrival of the end of reality - and didn’t have a plan to deal with it" - Futurist Jim Carroll So this happened. You can scan to



"Yesterday's knowledge won't cut it in tomorrow's world" - Futurist Jim Carroll I asked an AI to draw a picture of a car from 'the olden days,' and this is what it imagined. It might be more complex than vehicles

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