Futurist Jim Carroll

520 posts

The Big Change

The Big Change

"The big question is not 'how can we change the way we do things today - it should be 'how should we change the way we do things tomorrow!"

Don't. Do.

Don't. Do.

"A negative attitude will never give you a positive result!"

How Do You Manage Unknown Risk?

How Do You Manage Unknown Risk?

"The new risk is the unknown risk!"

Skin In The Game

Skin In The Game

"Have you ever noticed people are always happy to tell you what you should have done yesterday!"

The Reality of Trends

The Reality of Trends

"One person's skepticism is another person's gold!"

Redefining Success

Redefining Success

"Don't measure your success by what you have done. Measure it by what you are yet to do."

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